
Overcoming Barriers to Prosperity

A father and his young child stand proudly on the front steps of their newly constructed home on the island of Islesboro, Maine, built as part of a multi-year Genesis Fund initiative to help Maine island communities develop affordable year-round housing.Image

Genesis helps our partners create affordable housing and community projects throughout Maine and other places in northern New England.

We make projects happen that otherwise wouldn't.

Genesis connects communities creating affordable housing and other essential community resources with the capital and expertise they need to overcome barriers to opportunity and prosperity.

A nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), Genesis works throughout Maine and Northern New England to make flexible loans, deliver expert guidance, and promote policy solutions and systemic change.

Genesis offers impact investing for individuals and institutions to move resources toward community needs.

Connect with Genesis, and we’ll connect your project with resources.

PHOTO A young family standing on the steps of their new home on Islesboro. Genesis provided guidance to several Maine island communities, including Islesboro, to help create affordable housing for year-round residents.
“People deserve a dignified way of life and some control over their lives.”
— Daughter of an affordable housing residence in Lincoln County, Maine